There are many reasons your oil diffuser may not be misting well or may not be misting. For example, it could result from improper fixing, mixing problems, or poor maintenance. Therefore, it is essential to figure out what the problem is before trying to fix it.
In this article, we will take a closer look at why your oil diffuser may not be misting or may be spitting out water.

If your oil diffuser is not misting, the first thing is to check if it is properly plugged in and there is a power supply. If you have checked this and it still isn’t misting, here are some reasons why your oil diffuser may not be misting:
Soft Surfaces:
Placing your oil diffuser on a soft surface is a no-no. If you place it on a towel, mat, or any other soft surface, the airflow will be restricted. Also, such surfaces could absorb the ultrasonic vibration needed to facilitate misting.
Water Temperature:
The type of water you’re using is another reason why your oil diffuser might refuse to mist. Is the water’s temperature cold or warm? Cold water makes it difficult for the diffuser to mist.
To briefly summarize the scientific jargon, cold water has a greater density; thus, it requires more energy; however, warm water is less dense.
Besides the water temperature, the type of water you are using matters. Your oil diffuser may not mist if you are using the wrong type of water, one that does not follow the manual instruction.
Water Level:
Here’s another water issue. The amount of water used in mixing the essential oil can affect misting. Too much water could cause leakage that will damage the electrical board, and too little water will prevent the diffuser from misting well.
Build-Up Of Mineral Or Oil:
leaving essential oil in the ultrasonic plate can make it slippery, and it will clog the diffuser with time. So, the build-up of oil or mineral in the ultrasonic plate could be one more reason why your diffuser is not misting.
Most of the reasons your diffuser may be spitting water have already been discussed in the previous section, but I will take you through it again.
● If the water you are using is cold, your oil diffuser may spit out water. Use warm water instead of cold water when mixing your essential oil.
● If you do not clean it regularly, your diffuser may also spit out water instead of mist. The build-up of oil or minerals will prevent the flow of air.
● If the tank cover is not appropriately placed to cover it, the diffuser may also spit water. This could also happen when the diffuser parts are not assembled correctly.
The first important thing to know when using appliances is to read the manual. If you go through the manual and you cannot still figure out what is wrong with your oil diffuser, here are ways to fix a diffuser that is spitting or is not mixing.
● If you notice that the water you are using is cold, change it to lukewarm water. This will make it easy for the diffuser to mist.
● Place your oil diffuser on a hard surface so there will be room for it to mist appropriately. Also, avoid placing your diffuser close to the fan or air vent so the mist won’t be blown away.
● Make sure the water level in the oil diffuser is not above the maximum line. Keep it slightly below the maximum fill line to avoid pouring excess water.
● Read the manual to know the type of water to use. Most diffusers need filtered tap water or spring water. However, a few require distilled water, so make sure you read through the manual to know the proper water to use.
● You need to note that the diffuser is quite sensitive, and so it needs constant cleaning to maintain it at a high-performance level. If you do not clean up the diffuser regularly, the build-up of mineral or essential oil will clog the ultrasonic plate, thus, affecting the misting.
Another disadvantage of not cleaning regularly is that the oil residue can affect the wonderful fragrance of the next essential oil mixture. So if you want to get the best out of your oil diffusion, clean the ultrasonic plate after every use and do a deep cleaning once or twice a month. Also make sure that you put the correct amount of essential oil into your diffuser.
After use, pour out leftover water to clean the ultrasonic plate and wipe down the plate with a cotton swab. You could also use a little cleaning agent that won’t change the smell of the diffuser (people recommend Castile oil). Rinse and dry it up. Clean the mist chip with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to remove oil remnants.
A piece of advice: If you have tried all of these out, it could just be that your oil diffuser needs a replacement. Your diffuser will surely break down with time, but this could also depend on the quality of the product or how well you maintain it. So do well to check the warranty before getting one.
● Make sure you unplug the oil diffuser before cleaning.
● Fill the oil diffuser with clean water but do not pass the max fill line.
● Add 10 drops of vinegar to the water to clean the residue oil left in the diffuser.
● Let it run for about ten to fifteen minutes so the vinegar can be dispersed throughout the units.
● Drain out the water from the diffuser. Using a cotton swab dipped in vinegar or the cleaner (some products have their cleaning brush), clean the tight spots in the diffuser and the ultrasonic plate.
● Rinse the diffuser and clean it.
However, before you get around to deep cleaning your oil diffuser, read the manual first to avoid making mistakes. This is because some standard products have specific cleaning instructions. However, some do not even recommend the use of vinegar.
Oil diffusers are pretty easy to use, but your experience can quickly turn sour when it’s not misting, and you have no idea what to do. For starters, remember that this can result from placing them on soft surfaces or using the wrong type (as mentioned in the diffuser’s manual) or temperature of water.
Now you have figured out why your diffuser is not misting or why it is spitting out water, get it fixed as quickly as possible to get the best experience.
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