Do you have an essential oil diffuser? If so, have you ever noticed that it smells a little bit funky sometimes? It’s not uncommon for essential oil diffusers to start smelling bad after a while. There are a few different reasons why this might happen, and fortunately, there are also a few ways to fix the problem! In this blog post, we will discuss the most common reasons why your essential oil diffuser might start smelling bad… I will also give you some really helpful and easy ways to fix the issue.

Why Do Oil Diffusers Start To Smell Bad?
There are a few reasons that your essential oil diffuser might start to smell bad.
- The most common reason is that the diffuser is not being cleaned regularly enough. When you use an essential oil diffuser, the oils and water will inevitably start to build upon the inside of the diffuser. If this build-up is not cleaned on a regular basis, it will start to cause the diffuser to smell bad.
- Another reason why your diffuser might start smelling bad is that you are using too much oil in each session. When you use too much oil, it can leave a residue on the inside of the diffuser, which will also cause it to start smelling bad over time.
- Finally, the type of oil that you are using might also be a factor. Some essential oils are simply more potent than others, and they can start to cause your diffuser to smell bad if they are used too often. If you find that your diffuser is starting to smell bad after using certain oils, try switching to different oil.
- One little bonus reason is that your essential oil may have expired, this is quite uncommon due to the fact that most essential oils will last a few years before going bad but it is definitely worth a check of the expiry date. You can check out my guide to if essential oils expire and go bad for more information.
How To Clean An Oil Diffuser That Smells Bad.
If your essential oil diffuser has started to smell bad, don’t worry! There are a few easy ways to clean it and make it smell fresh again.
The easiest way to clean your diffuser is to simply use a little bit of white vinegar. Fill the diffuser up with water (you can add a few drops of essential oil to the water if you want) and then add a half cup of white vinegar. Let the diffuser run for a few minutes, then empty it out and rinse it with clean water.
If your diffuser is still smelling bad after being cleaned with vinegar, you can try using rubbing alcohol. Again, fill the diffuser up with water and add a half cup of rubbing alcohol. Let the diffuser run for a few minutes, then empty it out and rinse it with clean water.
You can also try using lemon juice to clean your diffuser. Simply fill the diffuser up with water and add a half cup of lemon juice. Let the diffuser run for a few minutes, then empty it out and rinse it with clean water.
Cleaning your essential oil diffuser on a regular basis is the best way to prevent it from starting to smell bad. I would recommend cleaning your diffuser at least once every couple of weeks, but more often if you use it frequently.
How much essential oil should you use in a diffuser to stop it from smelling bad?
As we discussed earlier, one of the reasons why your diffuser might start to smell bad is that you are using too much oil in each session. If you find that your diffuser is starting to smell bad after using certain oils, try switching to different oil or using less oil.
I would recommend only using a few drops of essential oil in your diffuser at a time. If you find that your diffuser is still smelling bad after using a few drops of oil, try cleaning it (as described above) and then only use a couple of drops of oil in each session.
I actually wrote a full guide on the correct amount of essential oils to use in an oil diffuser, have a read if you would like more information.
What if your oil diffuser smells musty?
If your diffuser smells musty, it is likely that the water inside the diffuser has become stagnant. This can happen if you don’t use your diffuser for a long period of time, or if you live in an area with high humidity.
The best way to fix a musty smelling diffuser is to simply clean it (as described above) and then make sure that you empty the water out after each use, this is especially the case if you do not plan to use the diffuser again for a while.
Can oil diffusers get moldy?
Unfortunately, oil diffusers can sometimes get moldy. This is usually because the water inside the diffuser has become stagnant and there is a build-up of mold spores. Not only does a moldy oil diffuser smell bad in your home it is actually quite dangerous for your health.
You really do not want an oil diffuser in your home that is actually diffusing mold spores, this would be incredibly dangerous, especially for anyone who suffers from breathing issues.
The best way to prevent your diffuser from getting moldy is to make sure that you clean it on a regular basis (as described above) and that you empty the water out after each use.
What are the best essential oils to use in a diffuser to prevent it smelling bad?
As we discussed earlier, some essential oils are simply more potent than others, and they can start to cause your diffuser to smell bad if they are used too often. If you find that your diffuser is starting to smell bad after using certain oils, try switching to different oil.
Some of the best essential oils to use in a diffuser are:
- lavender oil
- lemon oil
- peppermint oil
These oils are all very potent and will help to keep your diffuser smelling fresh.
Just be aware though that some of these oils are harmful to pets, If you click the links above you will find my articles about the safe use of these essential oils around your cats and dogs.
These oils are all very potent and will help to keep your diffuser smelling fresh.
Final thoughts.
If your essential oil diffuser starts to smell bad, don’t panic! There are a number of things that you can do to fix the problem.
The most important thing is to clean your diffuser on a regular basis and to make sure that you are using the correct amount of oil in each session. If you find that your diffuser is still smelling bad after taking these steps, try switching to different essential oil.
Do you have any tips for preventing an essential oil diffuser from smelling bad? Let us know in the comments below! And be sure to check out our other articles about essential oils and diffusers. Thanks for reading!
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