Can Using Essential Oils Cause Nausea? (Important)

Essential oils in general do not cause nausea, although certain circumstances like overuse can make you nauseous. Also, if you are sensitive to essential oils, you might feel nauseous as this is one of the symptoms you will get. In such cases, discontinue use and seek the doctor’s advice.

However, on a general note, essential oils do not cause nausea, instead, some essential oils have been used through the years to reduce nausea.

In this article, we would be providing answers to the following questions:

  • Can essential oils cause nausea?
  • Why using essential oils might cause nausea?
  • Can using essential oils for aromatherapy cause nausea?
  • Essential oils that calm nausea.
several different bottles containing essential oils
Essential oils can make your home smell beautiful but at the same time is it possible that they can cause nausea?


Generally speaking, no. Essential oils do not cause nausea. Albeit, essential oils are extremely concentrated chemical compounds and this makes them risky to use. What do I mean?

Essential oils should not be used unprofessionally. We all know that they have so many benefits but the unchecked and unregulated use of these oils would lead to various health dangers like nausea.

Nausea is that sick uneasy feeling you get in your stomach that often comes before vomiting. You might feel heaviness and tightness in your stomach as well.

Although this is not a serious health problem and will pass with time, still, getting such side effects could either mean that you are doing something wrong or that you should stop using that particular essential oil.


While essential oils do not cause nausea, their misuse could make you nauseous, and even lead to more severe health cases. Some of these misuses are:

  • OVERDOSE: Essential oils are chemicals and should not be used directly on the skin. They need to be diluted in carrier oils, or if you want to use them to freshen the air, dilute them in water. When doing this, the drops of oil should be measured. Sometimes, 1-2 drops are enough, but you should do proper research on the measurement to use for the mixture and make sure you are searching for the specific essential oil you choose to use because some are stronger than others and so, the droplets might vary. If you use an excessive dose of essential oil, it could make you nauseous.
  • INGESTING: Ingesting essential oils is harmful. It could lead to poisoning, and may even be life-threatening. Nausea is among the effects of consuming essential oils. There are other bigger effects like seizures, shortness of breath, skin irritation, etc. Essential oils should be kept out of the reach of children, and if ingested by mistake, rinse your mouth and seek medical help immediately.
  • SENSITIVITY: Some people are sensitive to some essential oils and might feel nauseous when they inhale or use them. If you get such reactions, discontinue use and talk to your doctor.

Pregnant women, children and also pets are sensitive to essential oils, so if they must use them, it should be recommended by the doctor, and certified to be safe for use.

As an example Peppermint oil which we highly recommend for calming nausea feelings later in this guide is highly toxic to dogs.


Before you choose an essential oil for use, do thorough research on it to make sure it is safe for use. Also, consult with your doctor before using them. Do not be reckless with your health. Although essential oils are beneficial, using them improperly is dangerous to health.


Aromatherapy is a healing treatment that has been used as a way to get the benefits of essential oils, and it has been in use for years. Aromatherapy works through the sense of smell and skin absorption. Oil Diffusers, inhalers, creams, hot and cold compresses, facial steamers, etc are different methods of aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy does not cause nausea, however, since essential oils are mostly inhaled during aromatherapy, like when using diffusers or scented candles, the misuse of such oils can cause nausea. When using essential oils for aromatherapy, especially the popular diffusion method, it’s important to read the manual or instructions before use.

Diffusing essential oils into the air has many benefits, but using excessive drops of essential oils can cause nausea and other irritations. Also, regulate the use of the diffuser. Putting on the diffuser for more than an hour can make you feel sick and nauseous so the key is moderation.


Amazingly, while the improper use of essential oils can cause nausea, some essential oils have been found to reduce nausea. So if you feel nauseous, you can use these essential oils to calm the effect either through the use of steam inhalers, diffusers, or by rubbing it directly (of course, after diluting in a carrier oil) on the stomach or pressure points. Some of these Essential oils are:

  • GINGER OIL: At the top of the list is ginger oil. One of the most common uses is to reduce the severity of nausea, especially after abdominal surgeries and nausea caused by surgical anesthesia. It is also considered safe to use for treating nausea during pregnancy.
  • PEPPERMINT OIL: Although there isn’t yet sufficient research to back this claim, peppermint oil could be effective in reducing nausea.
  • FENNEL SEED OIL: Oil gotten from fennel seed is known to aid digestion by relaxing the digestive tract, and also, treat stomach upset. This oil could also be effective in reducing nausea.
  • LEMONGRASS OIL: Lemongrass oil has been used for years as a natural remedy for nausea so you could give it a try when you feel nauseous.
  • LAVENDER OIL: Lavender oil is known to soothe anxiety disorders, so possibly, it could reduce nausea caused by anxiety or physical pain by making you relax.


Using essential oils as a natural remedy for nausea is advisable. However, nausea is most times a symptom of an underlying illness so seek medical attention to know what’s wrong. Thus, essential oils should be used alongside medications.


Nausea could be caused by the wrong use of essential oils. On the other hand, some essential oils could reduce nausea when used rightly.

In view of this, always seek your doctor’s advice before using essential oils because they are extremely concentrated chemical compounds so they must be applied carefully. Make sure you also see a doctor to find out the reason you are feeling nauseous if you suspect that there is an underlying sickness.

Andrew Scents and Aroma