Is A Candle A Natural Light Source? (Feel Good Light)

Light is one of the most fascinating concepts. It illuminates our entire surroundings, offering the ability for everyone to see clearly. Today, you can find light sources around you wherever you turn. 

But, like pretty much everything else, light sources aren’t the same. There are natural light sources and artificial light sources, and while they all give off light, they aren’t quite the same. Candles are a popular light source, and we’ll look into where they are classified in this post. 

A photo of a candle producing natural light
We love lighting candles in our homes but do they provide a source of natural light?

So, is a candle a natural light source? Candle light fits perfectly into the category of a natural light source as the light energy is created from a naked flame. People are often confused because we make the candles but the term refers to the actual light that the candle emits.

There is a lot of information to be understood about candles as a light source and their categorization. We’ll answer all the questions below: 

What Is a Natural Light Source?  

We’ve established that a light source is anything that produces light. But, light sources are broadly divided into natural and artificial. 

Natural light sources are those light sources that don’t need any help producing their light. They are present in nature, Such as the Sun, Stars or fire. 

Natural light is usually obtained during daylight hours. When this light is available, you will be able to see all forms of the visible spectrum. 

Some of the most common sources of natural light include: 

  • The Sun: The sun remains the primary – and unarguably the most important – source of light for the Earth. It is the most natural source of light, and it’s a huge ball of fire that stands at the center of our solar system. The sun produces an incredible amount of energy, and it offers the bulk of light and heat that the Earth gets.
  • The Stars: Besides the sun, the stars also provide some natural light. Also found in outer space, the stars are objects that contain mostly hydrogen and helium gas. Deep inside a star, several nuclear reactions occur. The hydrogen gas is converted to helium in a process that produces massive heat and light. But, only a small portion of that light gets to the Earth – and we only see the stars at night. 
  • The Moon: The moon is the only natural satellite that the Earth has. We all see the moon giving forth light at night, but it’s worth noting that the moon doesn’t actually produce its light. Instead, it simply reflects the light from the sun and beams it down to the Earth. 
  • Bioluminescent Organisms: Besides the sources outlined above, some organisms and animals on the Earth can also produce their own light. These animals are known to be bioluminescent. Essentially, this trait comes as a result of certain chemical reactions that occur within the organisms themselves. 
  • Fire: Fire has been with us for millennia, the fire can be created due to natural natural reasons or created by man. The light that it emits is still natural light.

Some examples of bioluminescent organisms include jellyfish, fireflies, glow worms, and several other microorganisms that live in the sea. 

A photo of the sun against a beautiful blue sky
The Sun is the biggest natural light provider here on Earth. It is important for our health and well-being

Why is a Natural Light Source Important for Health and Well-Being? 

Today, a lot of people go out of their way to ensure that their homes get enough natural light – especially during the day. While natural light can help to improve the aesthetic appeal of your home, there are also several health benefits that you could get from it. Here are some of them: 

A Source of Vitamin D

It has become pretty obvious that we get most of our vitamin D from sunlight. But, not many people know what vitamin D does. 

Vitamin D is the major ingredient needed for strong bone formation. Children need a great deal of vitamin D and calcium to develop their bones and keep them on the right physical path as they grow. A lack of vitamiN D has also been linked to issues like obesity, depression, and even multiple sclerosis. 

If you’d like to get the best dose of vitamin D, you need natural light. Supplements and drinks might help, but you run the risk of getting too much vitamin D from those sources. Natural light allows your body to produce its own vitamin D, thus maintaining its strength. Plus, you can’t produce too much vitamin D – when your body gets a sufficient dose, it just stops making more. 

Boosting Focus and Productivity 

If you have a job or something else you love doing, then you understand the need to stay in focus. Your success at your job depends significantly on how much you’re able to stay focused and effective. 

While you can always have a cup of coffee or tea to get you that zip, natural light is another important component for you. There are strong links between productivity improvements and exposure to natural light. 

Some research even shows that exposure to natural light can have benefits such as an improved mood and increased memory retention. 

Keeping Your Body on Time

Everyone has circadian rhythms. These are essentially patterns and rhythms that your body uses to regulate its activities. A usual cycle runs for about 24 hours – hence, the makeup of a single day.  

A study from the Harvard School of Medicine showed that the body’s circadian rhythm needs to be reset every day so you can be in tune with your environment. One of the keys to maintaining this balance is to expose yourself to light – and the dark.

As the sun comes up, your body knows it’s time to get up. When the sun sets, your body gradually knows that it needs to rest and recuperate for the next day. Computers, phones, and other screens can easily throw your body out of balance. But, exposure to direct and natural light can help to get you back on track.

Boosting Your Psychological Health 

Generally, a lack of sunlight and natural light can cause you to feel tired, depressed, and anxious, hence term “suffering from the winter blues”. Enough natural light brightens your mind and gives you that encouragement to get up and active. From there, your health becomes better and your mind is strengthened. 

Is Candle Light Good for Your Health and Well-Being? 

Candles are a natural source of light and they can also be incredibly beneficial to your health and well-being. Some of their benefits include: 

Beautiful scents and aromas

Improving the smell of your home goes a long way in helping you to feel more comfortable and relaxed in your own surroundings. Considering that your house should feel more homely, scented candles can be a great way for you to do this. 

Scented candles offer a better fragrance to your home, and they cover up any bad odors. You can find different types of scented candles with different flavors, so check out whichever will work the best for you. 

Stress Relief

Self and mind care are two important parts of a healthy lifestyle. By lighting candles, you can create the perfect ambiance and atmosphere, which induces a sense of well-being and calmness. If you’re feeling anxious or stressed, just light a few candles and relax. 

Prayer & Meditation 

If you’re the type who meditates, you should know that lighting candles can help you a great deal. You can use them for visualization techniques, and their ability to induce a calm environment will help your meditation as well. Connect with your spiritual side and let candles help you out. 

Improving Your Mood

Scented candles can also lower your body’s cortisol levels. Cortisol is your body’s stress hormone, and excess of it can cause you to feel restless or anxious. Candles help to reduce this hormone’s effects, improving your ability to stay calm.

Some candles also have special crafting that activates chemicals in your brain – such as dopamine and serotonin – to specifically improve your mood.  

Memory Stimulation 

Scents are strong mental triggers. They easily get to your limbic system, which manages your emotions and memory. Studies have shown that scent is strongly linked with emotion and memory, so candles can easily trigger some of your fondest memories. 

Andrew Scents and Aroma